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How responsive designing can improve your SEO

More importance is given towards mobile-first index at the moment. People have been searching mostly through their smartphones instead of laptops and desktops. Scenario may not be altered in the near future. Therefore, it has become necessary to incorporate responsive designing within the site. Responsive designing has become a standard feature for an effective SEO also. Search engines have been giving more importance on the issue of responsive designing too. Nature of the industry may not be a factor at all here.

Use Responsive Design

Percentage of mobile browsing is certainly higher than desktop browsing now. As a result, several changes have taken place. It is a thing that may not be looked at by the web designer as a surprise at all. Still, slow response has been observed from the side of web designers initially. However, they are certainly picking up the pace now.

Due to lack of responsive design in website, business can be affected certainly. Google has worked for the people. They have always tried to offer a search result that is absolutely user friendly. Therefore, Google has changed their search engine algorithm accordingly. Site with the responsive design is always preferred by Google.

If you still do not have responsive web design in your site then you must incorporate it now. Without responsive design, SEO benefits cannot be reaped. Following reasons are seen basically behind the inclusion responsive design within the site.

Usability of the site can be improved

In order to increase the traffic using a top Houston seo company in 2018, it is essential that the site can be navigated by the users easily. However, it may not be possible at all without responsive design. Based on the time, value of a site is often decided by Google. Both process of reading and piloting becomes easy with the effective nature of web designing. As a result, user experience can be improved certainly.

Repeated visitors can be noticed due to scores of good usability. Rate of conversion is improved in the process too. Queries on Google can be satisfied perfectly. Reward is offered by Google to the site that has a fundamental design for the benefit of user.

Factors like site usability and customer experience may not be overemphasized at all. It is important for the marketers to look in to these aspects of SEO on the occasion too.

Page Speed becomes fast

Ranking often depends on the loading time of page. So, page speed must be given added amount of importance. Sites that load fast always get a better rank from Google website such as Johnnychenseo. It is a thing that has been noticed over years. If you have responsive design on the site then it may load quickly. Positive response can be seen from the user on the occasion too.

Bounce rates are reduced

Bounce rates are depended on the time too. Through the term, you may know how quickly readers come back to main search engine result page from your site. Short time spent with the site always means that readers have not found the site effective at all. It may not be looked as a positive thing by Google at all. If there is responsive web design then it is easier to navigate and load time is not much also. Therefore, bounce rate may decrease too.

How to boost website traffic

How To Boost Website Traffic To Ezine Articles: The Complete Guide

By Joseph Richmond
Expert Author Joseph Richmond

To boost a website’s ranking in search engines has become a hassle with the latest algorithmic updates. And with no SEO expert team, a website will absolutely drop off of the first search engine result page in the midst of a competitive market. That’s why most content creators try many ways to drive traffic and build a reputation.

One of the most proven ways involves writing fresh articles and publishing them in article directories, including a link to the website you need to draw the reader’s attention to. Visitors interested in the written content will definitely feel their appetites whetted, and then visit the source included (either below the fold or in the resource box).

Most expert writers affirm that the top article directory platform is Ezine Articles. It drives interested and quality readers and traffic, which is a smart way to rank a website.

How to boost website traffic to your Ezine Articles?

This site is considered the leading article directory, which delivers incredible results. All you need to do is to come up with unique articles where you seek the reader’s impression.

Submission tips:

Before submitting any articles, and for a successful start, you as a writer need to consider the following submission tips, including:

  • Take a look at the Ezine’s Editorial Guidelines in order for your article to get approved
  • Research the keywords used in the article, so you can meet what readers are interested in
  • Avoid mistakes to have a chance for your article to get promoted to the platinum status once you’ve published 10 articles
  • Promote your written content
  • Submit quality content as often as possible, and if you have no publishing issues, your articles will be published on the homepage for maximum exposure. Just don’t forget to include an author photo!

How to promote your written content:

Writing unique articles only is not enough, that’s why additional efforts on promoting your articles are needed, which includes:

Link to your articles from your sites
From other articles, link to your articles
In the e-newsletter you own, include links to your articles
Try publishing in other known article directories
You may find your Ezine article ranking in Google – free traffic!

Alternative article directories to publish in:

There are too many Ezine Article alternatives out there, but the top ones are the following:

Article City

These alternatives do complete the publishing content in directories purpose but actually, they don’t drive as much quality traffic as EzineArticles does. So for great results, a content writer needs to focus on the top one.

For great returns, publishing articles on the Ezine Articles is the top choice to rank a website on high positions in search engines and engage interested and targeted traffic.

If you found this helpful, read about more strategies for boosting website traffic on – you guessed it, Ezine Articles. Also, be sure to check out Daniel Ditzhazy’s predictions (Los Angeles SEO Expert) on where the Google algorithm is headed so that you will stay ahead of the curve. Until next time, best of luck with your marketing.

How to Hire a Digital Marketing Provider?

digital marketing plan

When it comes to presenting your business to the online world, SEO and digital marketing becomes critical for your success. Having the most extravagant website in the world with no visitors or traffic is a waste of money. An SEO expert can not only provide a relevant and consistent traffic to your website but also bring in new customers for free.

For this reason, you need to understand the difference between the good digital marketing providers and the average or bad SEO providers. Hiring an ineffective digital marketing provider may cause you to lose a lot of money. Here is a 6-point guide to hiring a good SEO provider for your business.

  1. Digital marketing is an investment: It should not be seen as an expense, but it should be a part of your business strategy to enhance your presence in the industry. It should be looked as hiring an employee for your company who knows your company well and cares for it. He should be clear about the business objectives and should work in favor of achieving them.
  2. Aim for the first page: How many times have you searched something on Google and went on to visit the second page of the search results? Hardly anyone does that, right? People trust the Google search results so much that they hardly ever visit anything apart from the first page.

    While hiring an expert to boost your search engine rankings, your objective should be to feature on top of the first page. Any position lower may waste your money, as there are lower chances of visitors clicking your page.

  3. Think of smaller keywords: Your business may specialize into something very specific, but people do not search for adjectives or specialization. They generally search for smaller keywords, which are more common and known to many. Hence, your first page generally should have smaller and common keywords followed by the bigger ones in the coming pages.

    A good SEO provider needs to research those smaller keywords well so that your website features on the first page of search engine results. He should also incorporate keywords which generate high search volume and are also relevant to your business.

  4. Stay ahead of the competition: Search engines never guarantee that your website will feature on top of their search results, it is actually the job of the SEO expert to do so. Search engines have their specific requirements for featuring websites in their searches. If your website complies with them, you improve your chances of getting featured on the top rank.

    There are many competitors’ websites which can prevent you from featuring on top. A good SEO provider needs to research well the competition for the keywords. Some keywords will be easy from ranking perspective while others will be difficult. Your SEO provider should enable you to beat the competition for keywords. Once these differentiating keywords are identified, they should be implemented as per the principles mentioned above.

  5. On page and Off page SEO: SEO has 2 major components – 1. On Page SEO elements which include keywords, headers, usage, internal and external links.
  6. Off Page SEO elements including matters external to your website, like citations, references, back links, sharing, feeds etc. While most providers can work on Off page elements easily, not many can help you on the On page elements. This is where you can differentiate an expert SEO provider from the novices. On page elements are generally handled by web designers and if your SEO provider can advise you on them, it is a bonus!

An SEO provider is not a marketer: SEO providers’ job is to bring consistent and relevant traffic to your website. Converting them into paid customers is your marketing job. Good SEO provider knows where to draw this line and restricts his purview to bring your website on top of search results and thus bring relevant visitors to your website only.


Marketing Your Construction Company in Google

These days any kind of business needs to have an online presence in order to be successful and attract new customers on a regular basis.

Years ago people used to rely on phone books with business listings but that is rapidly becoming a dying tactic as more and more people start to use the Internet for just about everything.

If a potential client needs some construction work done then they will go to Google and do a search. If your website does not come up on the first page of the results that show up in Google, you may as well not be there at all.

In this article I’ll go over some of the basics that you need to have in place to ensure that you get found.


1) Optimize Your Website

The very first place to start is your website itself. There are a few important components that you need to get right:

Your Brand – Google loves brands and you want to make it clear what yours is. The home page of your site should have your brand name in it and it should be apparent what your brand is as soon as somebody lands on the page.

Areas Served – unless you run a national agency, your business probably covers a specific set of cities / metro areas. You should have a single page for your areas served but then build out a separate page for each individual city. This makes it easy for Google to serve up the correct page when somebody is looking for a service in that city.

Services – You also need to make it crystal clear what services you offer. You could have a single page that lists everything you do but you might do better in Google if you have a separate page for each service. Put lots of information about that service, including examples of your work on each of those pages. Google loves relevant content.

2) Relevant Business Listings

Your website is not enough. For business sites in particular you now need to make sure that your business is listed in all the prominent directories. The most important one is Google’s business directory.

Then depending on your country you will have very large directories such as Yell or Yelp. These are broad directories that cover all types of businesses but you need to take it a step further and start to go specific.

Look for directories that are specific to the construction industries such as Construction Links and BuilderSpace.

After that, you also need to look for directories for your local area. What Google is looking for is relevance – both in terms of the services you offer and the areas in which you operate. By having listings in directories that are specific to both your industry and your location, you build relevancy in both of these areas.

3) Social Media

As somebody who works in construction, I’m willing to bet you don’t spend a whole lot of time on Facebook or Twitter! However, these things are important for marketing because Google now uses social signals as a very important ranking factor.

There are a ton of social platforms these days and it’s not practical to be on all of them but you should pick at least 2-3 and encourage your clients to connect with you on those platforms.

Post content on a regular basis – photographs of your projects is great content, and encourage your followers to engage by liking, sharing and commenting on your content.


These three aspects will be a great start to getting your construction company seen in Google. If you do not want to do this yourself or you want help in climbing higher up in the rankings once you have the basics covered then I’d suggest hiring an seo company to do the work for y

Advantages of a hiring a digital expert

As most people would know the digital landscape is rapidly changing, no longer can brick and mortar businesses be able to survive on word of mouth and newspaper advertising alone. As
Gary Vaynerchuck nicely summarises you need to place your business where people’s attention is.


According to a lot of people and the declining sales of printed media, the general public are turning to online sources more often to find the products and services they are looking for. For any other Queenslanders needing a hand check out AKAP on the following link. SEO expert Brisbane (or check them out on YouTube)


The main main benefit of making your business available online is that it it’s findability hugely increases. People are able to look up your business and find information about what you are selling at any time of the day. This is usually done by creating a website for the business. There are a lot of design firms that can help businesses create websites.


The next step to having a website is the advertising part. The page is there to deliver the information and how you have to make it appear where people are going. There are multiple channels where this is occurring. Some of the more popular ones are sites like Facebook, Twitter, Google and YouTube. There are also applications similar to websites that double as an advertising platform, two popular examples are Instagram and Snapchat.

It’s important to keep in mind that some of these social networks that can generate great publicity for your website, can also be just a fad or have only temporary popularity. An excellent example are some of the earlier versions of social networks such as Friendster and MySpace.


Advertising on these social networks must be done tastefully, remember people are looking at these websites not specifically for the advertisements, they’re there more for the content that people generate. A popular choice of ad format is an educational ad, this is an advertisement that educates you and gives you value for free before even trying to sell you anything. Advertisements in this style generally have better click through rates.


It’s still possible to display an ad that has more of a hardsell to it, they can be effective too. The best way to find out what works the best is to test a lot of different formats of ads and experiment with different pictures and text. That way you’ll start to see which one is getting the most clicks and is converting better.


In conclusion there are no one hundred percent solid facts of how to make ads convert better, there are only guides and heuristics which are indeed very helpful. Every campaign launched will need decent experimentation if find what works the best.

The Latest Trend In Online Shopping: Mobile Domination

If you run a business that caters to consumers (as opposed to other businesses), you’re already aware of the importance of maintaining an online presence. You know that the Internet is invaluable to most modern consumers in researching their buying decisions and making actual purchases. The latest evolution in online business technology is a fundamental shift from desktop computers to mobile devices.
The Exponential Growth Of Mobile Shopping

Since the introduction of Apple’s iPhone, the adoption rate of “smart” phones and other mobile devices that make it easy to access the Internet has been explosive. Few other technologies have shown such a rapid advance in such a short time. Smartphones went from being luxurious curiosities to essential tools with a head-spinning quickness. When tablets appeared a few years later, they followed a similar growth curve.

Retailers and business owners who made some or all of their sales online watched this trend with interest, and for several years the question on everyone’s lips was, “when do we have to change our strategies to account for this?” The answer to that question has become quite clear: The time to start catering to mobile shoppers is now — if you haven’t started already.
The Tipping Point

The fundamental point where mobile visitors became more important than desktop visitors is hard to pin down, but one thing is certain: That point is in the past. eCommerce giant Shopify reported that the balance of mobile users vs desktop users going to online stores had shifted to favor mobile devices in 2014; Google reported a similar shift in online searches in 2016.

The implication here should be clear: If your online strategy doesn’t account for mobile customers, you may be in serious trouble. Even though mobile shopping still represents a smaller fraction of total dollars spent online — estimated to be one-quarter of all the money spent online this year — you don’t want to be left out in the cold as the mobile shopping economy continues to grow.
Takeaways For Business Owners

The question of how to best adjust to a mobile-heavy marketplace is really about how your marketing strategy needs to evolve. If you’re not already considering the needs of the mobile-using customer when you design your marketing tools you need to start doing so. Updating your sales funnel and your buying mechanisms to simplify things for mobile users will start paying serious dividends as soon as you do it.

You’ll want to bear in mind that the ideal solution here isn’t to abandon desktop users for mobile shoppers. You need a strategy that caters to both. Fortunately, there are a lot of ways to do this both in terms of technical options (responsive websites and emails, for instance) and in terms of marketing tactics (specialized landing pages and sales funnels for customers using mobile devices). It does require more effort on your part, but the alternative is to miss out on potential customers.
With mobile browsing — and more importantly, mobile shopping — becoming increasingly dominant across all consumer sectors, today’s forward-thinking businesses aren’t just taking their companies online. They’re also taking them into the mobile space, and that’s exactly where you need to be going as well.

Fiber Optics For Faster Internet Speed

fibre optic

Fiber Optic data communication is a form of communication that sends data by light making use of cutting edge technology. It is a very fast internet connection when compared to other forms of data communication. Nowadays it has become one of the most popular forms of internet connection all over the world. ‘
Though fiber optics are generally faster than other forms of data connection, the performance of the service will depend heavily on your location. Typically, fiber optics will provide higher throughput and with the right configuration settings, fiber optics are superior.
In case a fiber optic cable exist in your locale, you can get good prices from other forms of internet such as DSL. Otherwise, fiber optic packages cost much more than other types of communications. However, if there is a monopoly the price will definitely be high regardless of the type of internet.
There are many benefits to using fiber optics as compared to other types of interne communication. One of these benefits is that fiber optics are reliable. Fiber optics do not go down in case of a power outage. It will also never receive interference form a power line or any electrical objects.  A company which helped with all the under ground works, including concrete cutting and the likes was Best Concrete Cutting Melbourne. They have work in the removal of many projects, as fibre optics run underground more often then not , concrete needs to be cut and applied. There video is below:

The other benefit, probably the most alluring of them all is the speed of the internet connection. Fiber optic technology can transfer data at very high speeds as compared to other types of data communication. This will mean that there will be faster download and upload speeds. It is also safer in that it does not involve electricity and thus there are less risks associated with it. It doesn’t have to as expensive as people think either. With the right contractors on the job , it can be be effective and cost affordable. Once again we have to mention the cutting and core drilling experts website : , as they have been so helpful in guiding us and helping us through the construction and how it actually all works.

Please contact them in regards to anything to do with this type of project because they know the work inside out . For more information on them core drilling services.

As a user, you will receive your own dedicated connection which you do not have to share with any other person. This means that your information is less likely to fall into the hands of another person as with other internet connections like DSL. A fiber connection also poses a greater difficulty to hack.
Fiber networks have become the main way in which information is transmitted over long distances. This is mainly because unlike their counterparts, they have a higher bandwidth and less attenuation. They also have little to zero interference since there exist no crosstalk between optical fibers unlike the case with copper cables.
Optical fibers may be used in various fields. A good example of one of these is the medical field. The first proper application of fiber optics involved medical gadgets whose aim is to peer into the human body without having to cut it open. Nowadays, we have lab on a fiber whereby a hair thin fiber optic cable containing inbuilt sensors is inserted into a person’s body. By measuring the light changes in these cables, a doctor can make informed medical conclusions.
They may also be used in broadcasting. Their little or no interference makes them a perfect choice when it comes to broadcasting. They are preferred because they provide the consumer with a better signal in both sound and picture quality and boost the signal so it can travel over very long distances.

The Importance Of Internet Marketing In Business


Internet marketing has become the most efficient way of increasing your brand’s exposure and also increase business revenue. The web has become a reliable platform where consumers can acquire what they need information, goods, and even services. That is why this modern way of marketing is vital for any retail, networking or affiliate marketing business. With internet marketing, you can be able to increase your website traffic using internet marketing tools such as SEO, social networking, link building, and pay-per-click campaigns also known as PPC.

Why Is Internet Marketing Important For Online Businesses?

1. The reason why internet marketing is important for your business is that this form of advertising is less expensive that traditional ways of advertising. You can spend a lot of money on tradition advertising methods such as billboards, radio, and even television. However, with internet marketing, you can spend less money and expect high or more returns on your investment.

2. Besides the benefit of reduced cost of advertising, internet marketing also gives you the privilege of tracking your leads and sales as well. You will be able to get vital information about your business such as what drives more traffic to your website and the number of sales you make. With this information, you can improve your future marketing campaigns and be able to meet the expectations of your audience.

4. Another reason why Internet marketing is important is that it gives you an opportunity to build relationships with potential customers. By building business relationships with customers, you increase your chances of getting new leads through referrals. You can start connecting with your customers by keeping them updated through emails and also by conducting a follow up after every transaction to make sure that the customers are satisfied.

5. The importance of internet marketing in business is to stay ahead of other competitors. If you are not investing in this new digital way of advertising, then you should because you are competitors are doing it. However, make sure that you internet marketing campaign is much more effective to outshine other brands.

6. Branding is also vital for online business and with internet marketing you can be able to achieve this without any problems. With the use of online campaigns, you can improve your brand’s ranking. This will make your brand look professional, and it will attract more customers. As a result, you will be able to generate more revenue for your business.

7. Another advantage of internet marketing is that you can use the social network to grow your business. Today, most people spend their leisure time on the social networks such as Facebook, Tweeter, and YouTube. By being able to reach out to your target audience using these platforms, you can increase your website traffic and exposure.


Internet marketing also gives you the privilege of changing your marketing campaign to meet the expectations of your customers. Furthermore, these form of marketing is flexible since you can monitor the progress of your brand using various online tools and minor adjustments where necessary.