Daily Archives: November 20, 2017

How responsive designing can improve your SEO

More importance is given towards mobile-first index at the moment. People have been searching mostly through their smartphones instead of laptops and desktops. Scenario may not be altered in the near future. Therefore, it has become necessary to incorporate responsive designing within the site. Responsive designing has become a standard feature for an effective SEO also. Search engines have been giving more importance on the issue of responsive designing too. Nature of the industry may not be a factor at all here.

Use Responsive Design

Percentage of mobile browsing is certainly higher than desktop browsing now. As a result, several changes have taken place. It is a thing that may not be looked at by the web designer as a surprise at all. Still, slow response has been observed from the side of web designers initially. However, they are certainly picking up the pace now.

Due to lack of responsive design in website, business can be affected certainly. Google has worked for the people. They have always tried to offer a search result that is absolutely user friendly. Therefore, Google has changed their search engine algorithm accordingly. Site with the responsive design is always preferred by Google.

If you still do not have responsive web design in your site then you must incorporate it now. Without responsive design, SEO benefits cannot be reaped. Following reasons are seen basically behind the inclusion responsive design within the site.

Usability of the site can be improved

In order to increase the traffic using a top Houston seo company in 2018, it is essential that the site can be navigated by the users easily. However, it may not be possible at all without responsive design. Based on the time, value of a site is often decided by Google. Both process of reading and piloting becomes easy with the effective nature of web designing. As a result, user experience can be improved certainly.

Repeated visitors can be noticed due to scores of good usability. Rate of conversion is improved in the process too. Queries on Google can be satisfied perfectly. Reward is offered by Google to the site that has a fundamental design for the benefit of user.

Factors like site usability and customer experience may not be overemphasized at all. It is important for the marketers to look in to these aspects of SEO on the occasion too.

Page Speed becomes fast

Ranking often depends on the loading time of page. So, page speed must be given added amount of importance. Sites that load fast always get a better rank from Google website such as Johnnychenseo. It is a thing that has been noticed over years. If you have responsive design on the site then it may load quickly. Positive response can be seen from the user on the occasion too.

Bounce rates are reduced

Bounce rates are depended on the time too. Through the term, you may know how quickly readers come back to main search engine result page from your site. Short time spent with the site always means that readers have not found the site effective at all. It may not be looked as a positive thing by Google at all. If there is responsive web design then it is easier to navigate and load time is not much also. Therefore, bounce rate may decrease too.